Rankings and Stats

our impact goes far beyond graduation rates or job placement success. and our dynamic approach to teaching isn't limited to one program or area of expertise. we are committed to the future success of every student and our rankings and performance reflects just that.

Average Class Size
Undergraduate Majors
Undergraduate Minors
Graduate Programs

Choose Your Path

craft an educational experience and choose a major that fulfills your intellectual interests and career pursuits. and if you’re unsure of where you want to go, we’ll help you explore possible fields to uncover what inspires you.

academic programs

No matter if you're unsure of your path forward or already have an interest you want to pursue, you can learn more about our academic programs, including information about majors, minors and graduate courses. Discover what inspires and empowers you.
Our Programs
"The professors are able to take what we are learning in class and apply it to other disciplines and the real world extremely well."
Grace Cochran

class of '22